The Other Side Podcast Network :  Our other shows

the bugcast extra 001 – Addressing the balance

Hi all, and thanks for checking out this special “extra” episode of The Bugcast.

In this discussion episode, we follow up on some feedback sent to us from a listener, who said that they would prefer more music and less chat – yes, that old chestnut!

Please have a listen to the show and give us your open and honest feedback on what you think would be the best course of action. The options discussed are:

  • 1. We leave the show as is
    We keep the existing format – 6 tracks, 60 minutes (or thereabouts) and pad the difference out with chat.
  • 2. We cycle the formats
    We cycle between differing formats, so week 1 as is, week 2 with more music, week 3 with more talk, etc.
  • 3. We split the show
    We split the show into two (as we have discussed before) – The Bugcast becomes a pure music podcast, with as many music tracks needed to fill the hour, but with a modicum of personal chat. We then put out a second podcast at the same time (or the day after) of pure chat… kinda like this special episode.
  • 4. We go with the flow
    We keep the existing format, but not force ourselves to pad out with chat when there’s nothing to chat about, and keep a couple of music tracks on standby to fill in the gaps instead. This would allow for a much more natural flow.
  • 5. We pad in with more information about the artists
    This is similar to 4, but we would also build our relationship with the artists more, allowing us to spend a little bit more time chatting about the music and the artists, potentially to the point of including artist soundbytes and exclusive information that you wouldn’t get from anywhere but the artist themselves.

You know what to do… comment below or go to the Contact page to get in touch via email.

Thanks for taking the time to check this out, and we welcome your thoughts.


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