This week on The Bugcast: Dave and Caroline take a week off, so Chris from Canada takes over, with 10 tracks of fantastic Creative Commons and independent music from Rachel Huitsing, Melanie S Jane, Sunny Bleau and The Moons, Fresh Body Shop, Explosive Ear Candy, The Devil Music Co., Color Out, Tom Orlando, Modern Pitch, and Leslie Hudson.
Tag: Rachel Huitsing
Dec 15 2021
#693 Canadian Covid Coverage
This week on The Bugcast: Chris from Canada steps into the breach as Bugcast Towers is self-isolating, with a bumper 10 tracks of amazing Creative Commons and Independent music from Tab, The Spin Wires, Back On Earth, Melanie Unger, Leslie Hudson, Rachel Huitsing, Forget the Whale, Great White Buffalo, and Fallen To Flux.