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Tag: The Older Ones

#806 34 counts

This week on The Bugcast: blood and politics, plus eight tracks of fantastic Creative Commons music from The Older Ones, This Light, Jester Benedicte, The Kiss That Took A Trip, Kerry, Derek Clegg, Heifervescent, and Lost Pilgrim.

#795 Wonkarati

This week on The Bugcast: games, 3D printing, beers, families, Bob Heil, Dave Myers, and eight tracks of fantastic Creative Commons music from Anthem of Rain, One Wish Carnival, Ed Napoli, Forgotten Names, Joshua Wales, musicnda, Weathered Pages, and The Older Ones.

#789 Bit of a buzz

This week on The Bugcast: Caroline goes to the ballet, Dave goes on a date, plus eight tracks of fantastic Creative Commons and Independent music from Morrisframe, Pixiepunk, Stefan Kartenberg, somefitlyquiteplenty, Radioontheshelf, Pierce Murphy, Raja, and The Older Ones.

#782 Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey

This week on The Bugcast: Doctor Who, a little bit of UK politics, and eight tracks of fantastic Creative Commons music from Anton Beckman, The Older Ones, Blood Sugar and Sax Magic, Pierce Murphy, Lilac Frog, Joshua Wales, Emerson Council, and FromSkyToAbyss.

#779 Could he BE any more…

This week on The Bugcast: Matthew Perry, Inktober, NaPodPoMo, and eight tracks of fantastic Creative Commons music from The Older Ones, Roy Smiles, Kristian Vuljar, Acoustic Astronaut, Suzy E, John Mazzola, Square A Saw, and Studio In The Sticks.