The Other Side Podcast Network :  Our other shows

Dave Lee

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the bugcast extra – NaPodPoMo 2012 – November 03

Welcome to NaPodPoMo Day 3!
Today, we have a chat to Jon Spriggs from CCHits.

the bugcast 235 – Bangers’n’Mash

On this week’s show, we cover a couple of recent news stories and give an update on NaPodPoMo and NaNoWriMo, and we play 8 great pieces of music Singleton, We Came From Waters, Jason Silver, Asaf Productions, Kris Roche, In Isolation, Sunday Chocolate Club and Radio Nowhere.

the bugcast extra – NaPodPoMo 2012 – November 02

Welcome to NaPodPoMo Day 2! Two days in a row now I’ve had to edit the show because I can’t control my levels. Gah.

the bugcast extra – NaPodPoMo 2012 – November 01

Yes, I’m back… for my third year of NaPodPoMo!

the bugcast 234 – Growing up too fast…

On this week’s show, we discuss the proposals of teaching kids about pornography, our November projects, and we play 8 great pieces of music The Nuri, lo.Krain, Lejo Harmeson & Essence, Brady Harris, The Golden Dawn, Still Noah, Blue Identity and Karmavibe.

the bugcast 233 – SHUT UP!

Birthdays, losing more than the plot, and news from the social media. All this, and 8 pieces of music from Black and White, Michael McEachern, Grant Siedle, Robin Grey, A Is For Atom, Can’t Stop The Daggers, House Of The Old Boat and Zadkiel… and we don’t charge you a penny!

the bugcast 232 – Watchword

We have more reason to celebrate this week, so we “award” you with 8 really great tracks from Playhaus, Antiqcool, Revolution Void, Josh Woodward, The Monster Brothers, Jonathan Dimmel, Tin Soldier and In A Nutshell.

Vote for us at the European Podcast Award 2012

The Bugcast has been nominated for the European Podcast Award 2012. And voting has been extended to the end of January 2013!! We really want to prove to the world that The Bugcast is deserving of this award. This is where we call on you, our loyal listeners…

the bugcast 230 – Accident and Emergency

This week discuss the Megan Stammers situation, and the penchant of our children to unintentional self-injury… all this, along with 8 great pieces of music from Thomas Allan, Daniel Berges & The Windsurfers, Anna Craig, Black Bones, The Clockwork Quartet, Dazie Mae, The Sway and Sickbag.