The Other Side Podcast Network :  Our other shows

Tag: Jamendo

the bugcast 478 – Evening Bulleting

This week on The Bugcast: the state of the world, obsessions, and we play 8 amazing tracks of Creative Commons music from Color Out, Marco Polo, Degrees, Templeton Universe, The Hedgerow Folk, Lower Loveday, Forget The Whale, and Raincity Ghouls.

the bugcast 477 – Open doors

This week on The Bugcast: the death of print, baked goods, human nature, and we play 8 amazing tracks of Creative Commons music from Mercury and the Architects, Mickey Blue, Florens, Nihilore, Puppasonic, Jana Fisher, and Axel Antunes.

the bugcast 476 – It’s your birthday…day…day

This week, we discuss new app and podcast discoveries, orange outakes, and we play 8 amazing tracks of Creative Commons music from Black Star, The Woods, KaneGang, Clay Souls, Ocean Shiver, Mr Finnlay, Candids, and Stoneface Priest.

the bugcast 475 – … to hear you, nice!

This week on The Bugcast: Didn’t he do well? We talk about Brucie, the state of the world, and play 8 amazing tracks of independent and Creative Commons music from Avercage, Axel Antunes, Beat Six, Isra, One Missed May, Plants, Quinti Best Friend, and The Hedgerow Folk.

the bugcast 474 – Collaberatio Helvetica

This week on The Bugcast: Yannick joins Dave this week to discuss voiceovers, apps, e-books, and podcasts, and play 8 amazing tracks of independent and Creative Commons music from Scream Inc., Kara Square and Piero Peluche, Brother Neil, The Kiss That Took A Trip, The Madpix Project, Lawrence Beaman, Dofhei Project, and Toys & Hammers.

the bugcast 473 – Boozing it up

This week on The Bugcast: Dave and Caroline return with some departure news, Podcrawl round-ups, and their usual selection of 8 amazing tracks of independent and Creative Commons music from Rawboss, Marco Buono, Robin Grey, Nihilore, Ground & Leaves, Ryan Cassata, Charlie Mosbrook, and Scream Inc.

the bugcast 472 – The Canadian Invasion

This week on The Bugcast: Chris and John from Canada dial back the chat, and play an amazing selection of 14 amazing tracks of independent and Creative Commons music from Kill Matilda, Ophelia Syndrome, Adam Wendler, Pete Lesperance, Double Experience, Chasing Eidolon, Paul Randy Mingo, Jamie Rumley, Plants, Those Things, Melanie Unger, The Easton Ellises, Brother Neil, and Two Crown King.

the bugcast 471 – In The End

This week on The Bugcast: a tribute to a musical legend, domestic updates, and Podcrawls, plus our usual selection of 8 amazing tracks of Creative Commons music from Kellee Maize, The Happy Somethings, Lawrence Beamen, StoneNipples, B L O E M E N, Havy n Hope, Babypaul, and Scream Inc… plus a bonus track from Linkin Park.

the bugcast 470 – Starting a new chapter

This week on The Bugcast: we look at new starts from two different perspectives, and we play our usual selection of 8 amazing tracks of Creative Commons music from The Gasoline Brothers, The Osages, Plants, The Glass Child, BETP5, Ocean Shiver, ISRA, and RogerThat.

the bugcast 469 – Running for time

This week on The Bugcast: not much chat, except running and extreme nerdiness, plus our usual selection of 8 amazing tracks of Creative Commons and Independent music from Plants, Eddie, Somewhere In Time, Rinzo & The Hey Hey Panthers, Declaration, Cone Stone, Axel Antunes, and Montero.