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Tag: Euterpia Radio

the bugcast 382 – End of an era

This week on The Bugcast: a celebration, and a lamentation, plus 8 great tracks of Creative Commons and independent music from Josh Woodward, Jeffrey Philip Nelson, Racecar, Blade Of Grass, Anna Jordan, Andy Hawk, Jill Zimmerman, and Christian Kane.

the bugcast 381 – Spooktacular

This week on The Bugcast: Scotland round-up, podcast plethora, doodles a-plenty, and 8 great tracks of Creative Commons and independent music from In Isolation, Sterling Fox, Marco Buono, Fuzzy Logic, Late Nite Cable, The Samuel Band, Mary Jennings, and Jay Hollin.

the bugcast 380 – No Country For Old Equality

This week on The Bugcast: Announcements, positive discrimination, and 8 great tracks of Creative Commons and independent music from Antagònics, Christian Kane, Saeed AlSuri, Guys That Rock, Arun Chillara, Kristen Barkuloo, Jill Zimmerman, and Beautiful Mess.

the bugcast 376 – Publish to Telegram

This week on The Bugcast: Stories, pictures, periscopes, and telegrams, and 8 great tracks of Creative Commons and independent music from Modern Pitch, Law, Now Endeavor, Misha Bezushko, Lilly Wolf, Zapple Pie, Sweet Play, and David Amber.

the bugcast 375 – Received with gratitude

This week on The Bugcast: Podcrawl, podcasts, gratitude, and 8 great tracks of Creative Commons and independent music from Jeff Baker, Steady Hussle, Ubik’s Child, Antigone Rising, Now Endeavor, Anitek, Michael Ellis, and The Vow.

the bugcast 374 – We’re off to Podcrawl, again!

This week on The Bugcast: migrants, logos, helmets, and 8 great tracks of Creative Commons and independent music from Draco and the Zodiac, David Amber, Antigone Rising, Four, Color Out, waterpistol, madelyniris, and Heifervescent.

the bugcast 373 – Hiccy burpday

This week on The Bugcast: birthday, holiday, burping, and 8 great tracks of Creative Commons and independent music from Melting Batteries, Andy Hawk & The Train Wreck Endings, Stanis, Fuse, Quietly Concerned, Noah Hoffeld, The Environment, and The Madpix Project.

the bugcast 372 – Holiday games

This week on The Bugcast: holidays, board games, and 8 great tracks of Creative Commons from Steady Hussle, Leo Bowers, Publisher, Cortland Goffena, Devon Elizabeth, Leeroy ThreeKings, Heifervescent, and Desda La Caverna.

the bugcast 371 – Water from heaven

This week on The Bugcast: farewells, a replacement watch, and 8 great tracks of Creative Commons and independent music from Zapple Pie, Noah Hoffeld, Tamara Laurel, Waterpistol, The New Valleys, Boogie Belgique, Lindsey White, and Terrible Terrible.

the bugcast 370 – The sheet’s on the floor

This week on The Bugcast: encrypted conversations, misheard lyrics, and 8 great tracks of Creative Commons and independent music from Bryan Art, Nicole-Marie, Color Out, aliveway, Lake Of Kings, Skyler Young, The Way I Am, and Four.